Dale R. Lewis is the author of "Footprints in the Dew," a book about Chub Anderson, who gained notoriety for his connection to the Mullendore murder case in 1970. Footprints In The Dew by Dale R. Lewis is a story...
History Lesson: A brand may consist of a letter, number, character, or symbol, or a combination of one or more of any or all of these. Until modern times, to prevent theft, livestock being driven across country were required to...
In Tied On, Beau Hague provides devotionals that connect Christian principles and scripture to the cowboy’s way of life – from horses, to rodeos, to draggin’ calves to the fire, Beau provides personal stories of his life as a day-working...
From Beau Hague, bestselling author of Tied On: The Cowboy's Devotional comes The Maker's Mark, provides 40 daily readings that connect biblical principals to the cowboy's way of life- from ranching, to horses, to dragging' calves to the fire, Beau...
From New Yorker staff writer David Grann, #1 New York Times best-selling author of The Lost City of Z, a twisting, haunting true-life murder mystery about one of the most monstrous crimes in American history; the Osage Oklahoma Murders. In...